Samuel Abbot, Andover, MA - 1769

In Memory of
Samuel Abbot,
son of Mr. Steven
and Mrs. Mary Abbot
who was killed by a cart
August the 10th 1769
Aged 6 years

Tho' sudden was the stroke,
Which stopt his vital breath
He must obey, twas God who spoke,
And yield to cruel death.

South Parish Church Cemetery, Andover, Massachusetts


  1. How appropriate to post an Andover resident today! I was looking for Abbotts last night on the memorial list on the wall in your lecture hall.

  2. Heather - talk about being in sync! That was serendipitous. Lucky for you I am crazy enough to check out a cemetery covered in snow and mud in March! I'll check and see if I have more Abbotts.

  3. I also have Abbotts, but not this Samuel. Marian, was that photo from yesterday?

  4. Yes, that was yesterday. Part of the cemetery was deep in snow (you can sort of see that in the top right) and part was clear and muddy. So I was only able to gain access to certain parts unfortunately.

  5. Barbara, when I was photographing the memorial (lists of Civil War Vets) the librarian told me about this page on their website It also lists other names for the town. If you click on Abbott you get a 10 generation report. I found lots of my Andover families had reports - Dane, Cogswell, Parker, Mears, etc. I'm going to go back sometime to take a closer look at their resources.

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